Test Hats & Hoods
Haigh-Farr test hats provide a tight EMI seal, minimizing RF leakage, typically to -80 dB or lower. We construct our test hats out of a solid aluminum, one-piece case with a conductive EMI gasket where the hat is in contact with the ground
plane and the antenna. The coupling factor is a design parameter; however, it ranges from 4 dB to 30 dB, with each hat calibrated. Haigh-Farr hats are designed to work with single or multiband Flexislot™ and Patch antennas, as well
as single or multi-channel Wraparound™ antennas.
To request additional datasheets, please email datasheets@haigh-farr.com.
To request additional datasheets, please email datasheets@haigh-farr.com.
- Tight EMI Seal; leakage typically -80 dB or lower
- Frequencies from UHF to x-Band
- Single or multi-band designs
- Precision fit enables repeatable electrical characteristics when mating/demating
- Secure fastening. Flange designed to naturally mate to cylindrical, conical and other curved surfaces
- SMA, TNC, and other connector options available
- Low outgassing materials utilized
- Contain RF Energy
- Ground and lab testing
- Reduced EMI environments
- System verification
- Late stage testing and last minute removal prior to flight